Are you having trouble opening and closing your windows? Not only are improperly working windows inconvenient and frustrating, but they can indicate a problem that needs to be fixed quickly. If your windows are hard to open and close, there could be a few different reasons why.
While it’s best to talk to a window professional and have them determine the source of the problem, it can be helpful to get an idea beforehand. Contact us to schedule window replacement, or keep reading to learn more!
Sash Deterioration
A sash or frame that is corroding can be a sign of wood rot or mold growth or that the seals are broken down—and it can make the window harder to operate. Modern windows are very durable, but this can still happen, especially if you have single paned windows or high levels of humidity inside your home.
Rusty or Broken Parts
Faulty window operation could indicate rusty hardware, but sometimes a full replacement may be necessary. If the window doesn’t work, it’s possible that the spring (or other hardware) is broken or that the sash or frame has warped or is deteriorating.
Dust & Debris Buildup
It’s natural for dirt, dust and other debris to build up on your windows, on the sill and sash. Over time, this can make the windows more difficult to open and close. Single- and double-hung windows are common types to experience this type of problem.
Read more about common window problems »
Do You Need New Windows?
If you need to replace your windows, the team at Overhead Door Co. of Indianapolis & Muncie has you covered. We offer high-quality vinyl windows that can help improve the energy efficiency, comfort and aesthetic of your home. If you live in the central Indiana area, make us your first and last call.