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Want to Design Your Garage Door?

Your garage door is not only essential to the security of your home, but it also makes up a large part of your home’s exterior. What does this mean? You want a garage door that goes beyond safety and energy efficiency—your door should look good too!

What kind of garage door do you want? Wish you could know how certain types and styles of doors would look on your home? Well, you can. All you need is our Virtual Home Improvement Tool.

Design Your Garage Door Online

Overhead Door Co. of Indianapolis & Muncie’s Virtual Home Improvement tool lets you see how different garage doors can transform the look of your home’s exterior. All you have to do is upload a picture of your house or choose from our gallery, which includes 18 different home styles and materials, including:

  • Craftsman
  • Traditional ranch
  • Mediterranean
  • Bungalow
  • Traditional vinyl
  • Brick
  • And more

If you don’t have a photo available of your house to use, you can choose one that most resembles your house and see how different garage door styles complement the architecture.

Once you choose a picture, you can browse through different garage door:

  • Collections
  • Models
  • Panels
  • Window trim
  • Window glass
  • Colors (you can even try out custom colors)
  • Decorative handles and hinges
  • Openers

Garage Doors We Offer for Your Indianapolis Area Home

Overhead Door Co. of Indianapolis & Muncie offers a variety of residential garage doors in different styles and materials—from wood carriage house style doors to modern aluminum doors. We can install:

Whatever your needs are, we can meet them. You’re sure to find what you’re looking for in Overhead Door’s extensive collection.

Design your garage door online, on our website, and always feel free to contact us if you have questions about our products or services! We look forward to helping you with your garage door installation project in the Indianapolis, Indiana area.

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Residential Garage Doors

We sell, install and service a complete line of steel, wood and aluminum garage doors.

Garage Door Maintenance

We can help with all of your garage door inspection and tune-up needs for your home.

Garage Door Repair

Do you need garage door repair? Our friendly technicians can help!

Garage Door Replacement

We offer the highest quality residential garage door replacement service.

Replacement Windows

We offer high-quality vinyl windows to enhance the look and energy efficiency of your home.

Exterior Doors

We install front, storm, security and patio doors from leading manufacturers.

New Home Insulation

We specialize in fiberglass and spray foam insulation for homes in the central Indiana area.

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